Aiyana on her 1st birthday. Such a Great Day

Saturday, April 11, 2009

I am very excited today because i will fiinally get to work with a trainer to help me control my terrier or as my mom likes to call her a terrorist. i will admit that some of Roxi's (that is my 8 month old boston terrier/jack russell mix) behaviors have gotten out of hand. but in all honesty i will say that it's my fault. i spoil her like a child because to me she's my baby. i don't really care to have children of my own at least not in any immediate future that i can imagine and the fact that i threatened my parents that if i can't have a dog i'd have a baby makes me treat her like a baby so much more. and she's just the cutest dog i've ever seen and i've seen some cute dogs. but i really think my puppy should be on the front of the milkbone box or in a dog food commercial. but the reason i'm so excited is because in addition to trying to correct her behaviors i'm working with a dog psychologist to understand her better. Personally i think she's crazy in hell. She has bounds of energy and she can keep going long after i'm exhausted but despite all that she's the dog i always wanted, besides her not being a pitbull and her small size. but still i love her. i can still remember when i first brought her home on Sept. 13 2008 at 8 weeks. she pooped herself in the car. good times right? but eventually she settled into life with me and my mom and her cat Smoke. those two are something together. and by something i mean its like tyson and hollifield. but i figure eventually they'll get along because they don't have a choice living under the same roof. well i think thats all for today. actually i'm writing a narrative about Roxi so i thought i'd dedicate this weeks blog to her. i love my crazy ass puppy.

Saturday, April 4, 2009

it has been a long week. the first week of the quarter always is... so i'm back at it. its sad because i'm taking the same classes as last quarter minus one. i failed all those classes. and that is why my parents will never have my blooger url. not never. right now i'm very sleepy sitting at work. last night i get a call from my best friend whom i haven't heard from in like two weeks or better yet i haven't heard from her since my car has been out of commission. interesting right? so she wants me to go out with her and her boyfriend's sister. now, i don't like my friends boyfriend. and my friend her name is angela. so angela's boyfriend jamal is a dead beat dad and a wanna be drug dealer. truthfully i could spend hours writing on how idiotic and ridiculous this dude is because i can't stand him. never cared for him at all. he's a lame and a loser. but that tells you how retarded my friend is for being with him almost two years. and i feel bad because even ppl with mental retardation are smarter than her. anyway, so angela wants me to go out with them, probably because i just got my car fixed and i'm mobile again. and for some reason, i'll say cuz i missed my best friend of 8+ years i agreed. i'd like to also add that i don't like the sister of jamal and her name is desiree. to me they all on the same bullshit and thats one thing i refuse to eat is bullshit. so don't try to feed it to me. my other friend said that to someone. i thought that was funny cuz he whores around and feeds all kinds of bullshit to these chicks but thats a different story. but back to angela and desiree. so they say that they want to go to the 44 club which is actually in my neighborhood. so i pick them up at like 11:15 and then we have to go pick up some other chick. so then we get to the 44 club and they don't want to go in cuz it's not packed and it's not jumping. whatever i think to myself cuz i know it was going to be a long night. so we leave 44 and go to Leo'sII. now leo's was nice. lots of ppl. good drinks and all that. so being chicks we go to the bathroom, and some other girl leaves her wallet in the bathroom. now the chick i don't really know, her name will be nancy, lol, sees the wallet and i guess she turns it in. but she takes some money out of it. so the girl who's wallet it is, is looking for her shit like who stole my money. she accuses someone else apparently instead of nancy. but there ends up being a confrontation at leo's and we leave. now i've had one drink and i downed it cuz i can't sip alcohol. it taste to bad but i'll still drink it but i refuse to torture myself. so now they want to go to club evolution. at this point i'd like to say i hate to go to clubs. bars are cool but clubs are just not where i want to be. too many young kids and i ain't on that. so i take them and we in there and by the way i ain't paying for anything. desiree is paying cuz she wanted to go out and i really didn't plus i had no money on account of getting my car fixed. so she paid for drinks, smoke and admission and put gas in my car. so they wanna go to evolution and its jumping there we smoking and having drinks. i'm just sitting around cuz its just not my crowd really. i seen ppl i went to high school with that came out after me. so i wasn't feeling it plus i had to go to work the next morning which is where i am now. so i'm sitting there watching these chicks do whatever they do. personally i don't want to be around them really. so we stay and i was ready to go long before two but they wanted to try to stay until like 3. lol funny thing is at 2:30 the lights came on and they told everyone to get out. it was hilarious. although i wonder if they are encouraging drunk driving. and the location isn't good cuz its right in the middle of the sheriff's jurisdiction. luckily i didn't have to take desiree or nancy home cuz they jumped in the car with two dudes. and you didn't hear me complaining. so i took angela home but i think i'm now going to distance myself from her and those she has come to hang out with. i kinda realize now that your real friends shouldn't call you based on if you have transportation or not. so last night really gave me something to think about. so now i'm out cuz i'll be off work in 9 mins. then i can maybe take a nap. yay. :-