Aiyana on her 1st birthday. Such a Great Day

Saturday, March 6, 2010

unexpected but exciting news i guess.

hello world i'm back once again. its been quite a while since i've been on. life moves so fast, there's never enough time to reflect. but i guess you have to make time. i currently work at Wal-Mart supercenter on Miller Lane. feel free to visit me. i'm not really doing much at work you know trying not to work. at the end of march i hope to be moving into a place of my own with my bf AJ. we'll see how that goes. but for the most exciting yet unexpected news... two days ago i found out i was four weeks into an incidental pregnancy. life as i know it could change. i haven't fully decided if i want to keep it. now i don't believe in abortion personally, but i am pro choice. i feel that only i have the right to decide. but at 22 going on 23 this is the most difficult decision i have or possibly ever will have to make. because i'm only 4 weeks i still have the option to take the pill which will cause my period to come in a sense. my bf has four children already. there's so much to consider but in the end its really up to me. but everyone has an opinion. i cant believe i let this happen. stupid valentines day.