Aiyana on her 1st birthday. Such a Great Day

Thursday, September 16, 2010

8 months and 3 days...

Actually who cares about the 8 months... I only have 2 more months to go!!!!! Truthfully right now I look back and can remember wondering how I was going to make it to this point. I never thought that I would. Its amazing and I feel very blessed. But its so crazy, now that I'm so close to meeting the little life thats been living inside me for the better part of a year I'm so nervous and anxious. I still have to get through the baby shower and my birthing classes and all the programs i've signed up for to help me with the expenses of bringing home a newborn. So much to do so little time. Not to mention the anxiety of wondering if I'll make a good mommy, or will the father be around. But now isn't the time to dwell on the bad and negative. I've spent the first half of my pregnancy doing that so i'm pretty much done. Let go and let God. And for anyone reading this if you are amused or at all interested in anything in my blog please follow me or comment. They are both very welcomed whether you agree with my point of view or disagree. I appreciate anyone who just reads what I have to say because in this day and age everyone is so wrapped up in self gratification and self indulgences that no one really takes time to do for others. even the smallest thing. So to anyone reading this I Thank you very much. I'm praying for you and I hope God will bless you. And to people not reading I'm praying for you too. Cuz everyone needs prayer. I sure do.